Monday 13 June 2016

Pleasures of Reading

Pleasures of Reading

By: Tariq Ahmad Malik
Books are the most wonderful of all the inventions of man.with out them all human wisdom would have lost. But for them man would have no sense of history, and he would have to pursue every goal by starting from nothingness. Thank God, This is mere an assumption.
Books lend us indomitable mind power. They bestow us with a renewed
imagination .They impart us knowledge, and by investing our time in knowledge we are fetched the best interest. Book reading makes human mind peaceful, and a peaceful mind generates power. Books , when read with zeal and zest, make a man ‘man of value’ .Such a life lasts and denies the death. Books guide us how to fish, and feed us through out the life. Books shape our mental culture. Books are some times discredited as immoral. Such books do, actually show the world its shame.
Among all hobbies ,book reading is the wisest choice. The wise use of leisure time is, by now, a million dollar problem. Most of the humans descend to kill this precious time. Killing time, according to philosophers, is not a murder, but a suicide. Reading habits can save us from committing this crime.
Some times, when we claim that reading imparts pleasure, the question arises what psychological phenomenon can be termed as pleasure. Does pleasure connote the satisfaction of certain desire? Yes. We are endowed with many means to satisfy our cardinal and spiritual desires, and time is one among them. If time is termed as- [a] prime time and [b]leisure time. The prime time has to be used to earn living while as the leisure for pursuing hobbies. Reading in this respect is a mega leisure choice.
Reading always works wonder. It helps us make intelligent use of leisure. It helps us grow our talent. It extends us a vision and help us do the impossible.
Reading makes us abreast of worldly affairs and there of various challenges the world
faces. Reading works towards making us full men. By marshaling upon the handy information of books, we can make a smooth go on the path of innovation.
Reading shapes our opinion, and saves us from aimless running on wrong roads. It makes us aim specific, single minded, and dedicated .Reading makes us grow optimistic. It helps us see from the lock ups of stress and strain only stars rather than mud.It is said that prejudice is the child of ignorance. A well-read person is, then, washed off of prejudice and bias. In most cases the people who hold books dear have least time to worry. Thus reading substitutes work for worry.
Reading brushes up our memory. It helps us cash in on the experiences of the men who have make a mark in their lives.Reading paves us for finding their feet on the sands of time.
Specific reading determines our ambition. There are books related to every faculty which have currency in the practical world. Man only needs to choose them to excel his mettle. The news papers, economic journals, Science magazines, political journals, and magazines on poetry and literature etc make the reader up to date with the present day competition.
Reading imparts confidence. It makes us believe that even the great people had been beset with problems and challenges, and that they had fallen many a time, but their greatness could sustain by rising every time they fell. Books lend us the conviction that great things are done when men and mountains meet, they are not
done by jostling in street.
Reading is such an investment that has no diminishing returns, no market risks. It has high credit worthiness. All success stories unveil the fact that great achievers have essentially a good taste of reading. The I.A.S toppers, despite achieving their coveted goals often complain that they could not do justice with reading. They do dub it their
biggest mistake.
Time and again, it is proved that the people who are not used to reading are disqualified for living a worthwhile life. Their dreams of becoming titans are always chocked.
It is book reading which exposes us to the annals of our past glory. By reading the classicals, we learn how human civilizations have sustained the whirlpools of the natural calamities and political traumas, and reached the present day state of affairs. Books teach us to doubt, to inquire and then to discover the validity of the findings .this systematic approach has been the routine of all great thinkers. Books ,as selfless friends, make us carefree. They work for our betterment without asking for rewards. They only want us to attend them attentively, and with full meditation. Books never misguide us . they show us our shame in order that we correct our selves. They attune us with wisdom and enlightenment. They keep us far from the unconvincing temptations of madding crowds.
Books teach us to act with positive approach. they encourage us to be courageous. They keep our morale high.
Book reading enthuse us to grow our own height no matter how tall our grand parents had been.
Reading shapes our personality. It nurtures our wit. It carves of us quick witted orators who spellbound the listeners with their wedding bells. The well-read
people maintain the vivacity of language. They prove to the world that nothing in this world is as alive as a word.Their attitude with structuring the sentences , their idiomic style,their brevity,and their caressing of figures of speech make the language a sensation. Our attitude and aptitude towards reading ultimately determine our altitude in society.
To conclude ,it may be safely said that reading makes a full man ,conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. The profession of teachers, lawyers, judges etc will come to a stand still if they stop reading books. The students grow elite in the company of books only .It is only by dint of reading that Japan has grown their human capital to the sensational heights. To cut the story short we may conclude with saying that all of us can not become great, but all of us can attach our selves to something that is great. Why not that thing be reading when we have conviction that reading is a million dollar blessing.
By:Tariq Ahmad Malik

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