Sunday 2 September 2018


Tariq Ahmad:
During my school days I would ,sometimes,visit to my friendjs home at Watergam.My friend was very much inclined towards poetry.He had acquired this trait from his parents.His father Shiekh Abdul Khaliq was very much avid of poetry.He would recite to me the rare poetic pieces of Zaib-un-Nisa.He would recite dozens of couplets of Iqbal,and Mahjoor.At times he would compare Iqbal with Mahjoor for me.
Shiekh Mohammad Syeed(My friend) was equally a poetic genius.He had learnt the poetry of Mushtaq Kashmiri in his tender age.He would recite the couplets of Shahnama Islam,and poems of Iqbal every now and then.
The father and the son would also read dozens of couplets of Ali Mohammad Shahbaz for me.
I am very young then in my twenties.I didn't know too much about poetry.But the frequency with which the duo would read the couplets of Shahbaaz was enough to make me one of his fans.
I didn't know then who was Ali Mohammad Shahbaz.I would simply feel exaulted at listening to his poetry.His couplets had utmost soothing effect.

تھووتھ خدایہ للہ ون تقدیر میانہ بابتھ
بیے اس نہ کونے کانہہ تدبیر میانہ بابتھ
پوشہ متیو نیندر پیم چآنی غزل گیواں گیواں
بیقلس نش درد جگرکی سورہ پرناونی غلط
سینہ مژرتھ لوڪہ نارکی آکھ گیے ہاونی غلط

مے سئ تن توتہ کرہک اکی کتھ میانہ جگرو
بہ وندہے ناز و نخرن پنن رتھ میانہ جگرو

؎ژٔ نارس کوم کرن والیا پزر پزراونے گژھ کھا

ؔکرامہ مومن تہ فطرتاً آزر
توتہ پانس ونان خلیل چھ أسی

All these poetic expression have been there ever since my chilhood.As a child I had never thought I would ever become a poet.I had never expected that I would someday set to find out where my favourite poet had his nest.
The time fled with immence speed ,and it was only last Sunday when I received a phone call from some seemingly known voice.He started complaining why I didn't meet my word and visit him till now.The voice was definitely of Ibn Shahbaaz(Nazir Qurashi).He was humble enough,and gave me great regards.He persisted on my visit to him,and made me fulfil the promise on this Sunday ,September,2,2018.
I reached to the residence of Late Ali Mohammad Shahbaaz by 10 am,and saw my elder brother eagerly waiting my arrival at the Handwara Nowgam road at Shatgund.What I saw in the first instance that it was a beautiful house standing on the edge of road at a table shaped piece of land overlooking the magdamized 60 feet road.The scenery was a treat to eyes.

The hospiItality of the Shahbaz enclave was unparllel.Nazir Ibn Shahbaaz served me food by himself.All of his children kept around me.A large number of varieties of meet preparations had been cooked.
Next,we had a detailed discussian about the life and poetry of this matryed poet.His collection of elegies "خونی خون" is almost complete.The collection  of Gazzals "چآنی دری" is all set to be released in the comming months.The arrangements to this effect are almost complete.
The best part of the day was the session which Nazir Ibn Shahbaz shared with me reading out hundreds of couplets of this legendary poet from his three unpublished collections.
The poetry,when it will come to the public domain will surely start a new era.Every gazzal has more than ten couplets,and every couplet has tremendous standard.The romantic tint,and the elloquence with which Shahbaaz was blessed makes him as philosophical as a poet as Galib,and as romantic as Keats.The readers will,for sure,explore themselves in the poetry of this genius.The reseach scholars will find treasures in between the lines of Shahbazz.By 2 pm we went to the graveyard and offered fatiha khani.
It was a day worth remembering.


[02/09 3:34 pm] Tariq Ahmad: During my schoil days I would ,sometimes,visit to my friends home at Watergam.My friend was very much inclined towards poetry.He had acwuired this trait from his parents.His father Shiekh Abdul Khaliq was very much avid of poetry.He would recite to me the rare poetic pieces of Zaib-un-Nisa.He would recite dozens of couplets of Iqbal,and Mahjoor.At times he would compare Iqbal with Mahjoor before me.
Shiekh Mohammad Syeed(My friend) was equally poetic genius.He had learnt the poetry of Mushtaq Kashmiri in his tender age.He would recite the couplets of Shahnama Islam,and poems of Iqbal every now and then.
Tje father and the son would also read dozens of couplets of Ali Mohammad Shahbaz for me.
I am very young then.I didn't know too much about poetry.But the frequency with which the duo would read the couplets of Shahbaaz was enough to make me one of his fans.
I didn't know then who was Ali Mohammad Shahbaz.I would simply feel exaulted at listening to his poetry.His couplets had utmost soothing effect.
تھووتھ خدایہ للہ ون تقدیر میانہ بابتھ
بیے اس نہ کونے کانہہ تدبیر میانہ بابتھ
پوشہ متیو نیندر پیم چآنی غزل گیواں گیواں
بیقلس نش درد جگرکی سورہ پرناونی غلط
سینہ مژرتھ لوڪہ نارکی آکھ گیے ہاونی غلط
[02/09 4:00 pm] Tariq Ahmad: مے سئ تن توتہ کرہک اکی کتھ میانہ جگرو
بہ وندہے ناز و نخرن پنن رتھ میانہ جگرو
؎ژٔ نارس کوم کرن والیا پزر پزراونے گژھ کھا
ؔکرامہ مومن تہ فطرتاً آزر
توتہ پانس ونان خلیل چھ أسی
All these poetic expression have been there ever since my chilhood.As a child I had never thought I would ever become a poet.I had never expected that I would someday set to find out where my favourite poet had his nest.
The time fled with immence speed ,and it was only last Sunday when I received a phone call from some seemingly known voice.It started complaining why I didn't meet my word and visited him till now.The voice was definitely of Ibn Shahbaaz(Nazir Qurashi).He was humble enough,and gave me great regards.He persisted on my visit to him,and made the promise of this Sunday ,September,2,2018.
I reached to the residence of Late Ali Mohammad Shahbaaz by 10 am,and saw my elder brother eagerly waiting my arrival at the Handwara Nowgam road at Shatgund.What I saw in the first insyance was a beautiful house standing on the edge of road at a table shaped piece of land overlooking the magdamized 60 feet road.The scenery was a treat to eyes.